
来源:作文 时间:2018-08-02 18:00:04 阅读:


篇一:[午餐的英文]一年级英语作文:我的午餐 My Lunch

写作翻译网权威发布一年级英语作文:我的午餐 My Lunch,更多一年级英语作文相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。
★以下是英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《一年级英语作文:我的午餐 My Lunch》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站写作翻译频道。
I study in a primary school, my home is a little far from my school, so at noon, I have lunch at school. My mother cooks lunch for me in the morning, I will bring it to school. I like what my mother cooks for me, it is delicious, when I have the lunch at noon, I can feel her love. I love my mother so much.我在一所小学上学,我的家离学校有点远,所以中午的时候,我在学校吃午饭。我的妈妈在早上为我做好了午餐,我会把午餐带到学校里。我喜欢妈妈煮给我的,那是那么的美味啊,当我在学校吃午饭的时候,我可以感受到她的爱。我很爱我妈妈。


I""d like to introduce you to the new members of the project group. (我想要给你介绍项目组的新成员。)
如果无法成行,被邀请人应委婉地向对方回绝 : I""m sorry, but I have another appointment. ( 对不起,我另有约会 。)
如果欣然接受,可以说: That sounds great. (那太好了。)
在商量好时间、地点之后,双方都应准时赴约 。一般说来,在吃饭时,大家会谈论一些轻松的与生意无关的话题,当餐具被收起,甜点上桌后,就可以提议 : Can we talk a little bit about the project? (我们能否谈谈有关的工作计划 ? )
这样双方就比较自然地转入工作话题了 。
午餐结束后,应由邀请方料理付帐的事情 : We""ll take care of the bill. (我们来付帐。)
双方告别时,邀请方要向接受邀请的对方道谢 : We""re glad you joined us. (我们非常高兴您的赏光 。)


There was a blonde, a brunette, and a red head. They were all builders and they were working on a sky-scraper. They always ate lunch on the top of the building. The brunette always had a ham sandwich for her lunch, The red head always had a cheese sandwich, and the blonde always had a turkey sandwich. One day they all got sick of always having the same thing to eat everyday, so they made a deal. They all said that if they brought the same sandwich they usually bring, they would have to jump off of the top of the building. The next day, the blonde was found dead on the ground by the building. The husbands of the three builders were there and they started to talk. The red head"s husband said to the other two men, "I packed my wife a peanut butter and jelly j so she wouldn"t jump off."
The husband of the brunette said to the other two men, "I packed my wife a turkey sandwich so she wouldnt jump off."
They both looked at the wife of the blonde and he said:" Don"t look at me, my wife packs her own lunch!"

