
来源:格言大全 时间:2018-10-13 11:00:07 阅读:




安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)是谁?




My godess——Angelina Jolie.



angelina jolie
[.ændʒi"li:nə] [dʒəuli]
anne Hathaway
[æn] [ˈhæθəˌwe]
brad pitt
[bræd] [pit]
Jonny Lee Miller
[ˈdʒɒni] [li:] ["milə]
Billy bob Thornton
["bili] ["bɔb] ["θɔ:ntən]


love is to give and give more我记得句子大意是这样,还有下半句的,感激不尽,下半句是什么...to get and get more

电影《原罪》的台词,安吉丽娜朱莉演的,大意是:爱本身就是一种原罪,为爱牺牲,为爱救赎.爱,就是不断付出,而欲望,则是不断索取 .【安吉丽娜,朱莉电影】


谁知道Naomi Watts的片酬有多高?

  内奥米-沃兹(Naomi Watts)1968年9月28日出生于英国的肖雷汉姆(Shoreham),在澳大利亚长大,迄今已活跃于影坛15载.自从来到好莱坞发展后,内奥米-沃兹经常在她平不热衷的一些电影中饰演一些小角色.直到2001年,她被邀请试演大卫-林奇(David Lynch)执导的《穆荷兰大道》("Mulholland Dr.")中的一个重要角色,才迎来了其在演艺事业上的突破.随后,她在《贝蒂-埃尔姆斯/黛安-西尔温》("Betty Elms/Diane Selwyn")中的双重表演为其赢得了众多影评协会的大奖,并引起好莱坞及其它地方的一些知名演员的注意.现在的沃兹已经今非昔比,不仅可以选择更多的电影角色来演,而且2002年还在弋尔-沃宾斯基(Gore Verbinski)翻拍的日本经典恐怖片《午夜凶铃美国版》("Ring")中担纲主演.此外,她还在默谦特/艾佛瑞(Merchant/Ivory)电影公司根据黛安-约翰斯顿(Diane Johnston)的小说《幸福合作社》("Divorce,Le")改编而成的同名电影中与凯特-哈德森(Kate Hudson)合作演出了一出联手戏.自此,内奥米-沃兹那富有张力的演艺才华得到了进一步的拓展.这一时期奥米-沃兹对合作的导演和演员变得挑剔起来,同时也以自身广阔的戏路和表演才华令影评界和影迷们为之一.
  1 朱莉娅-罗伯茨超过1000万英镑
  2 卡梅伦-迪亚兹超过1000万英镑
  3 妮可-基德曼800万英镑
  4 里斯-威瑟斯朋800万英镑
  5 德鲁-巴莉摩尔800万英镑
  6 哈里-贝瑞700万英镑
  7 桑德拉-布洛克600万-800万英镑
  8 安吉丽娜-朱莉600万-800万英镑
  9 蕾妮-齐薇格600万英镑
  10 詹妮弗-洛佩兹600万英镑


Life comes with many challenges.The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and
Life comes with many challenges.The ones that should not
scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.

Life 主语
comes 谓语
with many challenges.介词短语做方式状语,修饰谓语动词comes,

The ones 主语
that should not scare us 定语从句,修饰先行词The ones
are the ones 系表结构,复合谓语
we can take on and take control of.定语从句,修饰先行词the ones



电影《史密斯夫妇》,外文名:Mr.& Mrs.Smith,导演道格·李曼,男主角布拉德·皮特和女主角安吉丽娜·朱莉扮演的史密斯夫妇,是典型的型男靓女.在外人眼里,他们是一对令人羡慕的夫妻,但二人各自效力于一个秘密组织,而且彼此隐瞒了自己“职业杀手”的身份.直到一次相同的刺杀任务,夫妻俩暗斗的结果是两败俱伤.


13岁时她进入Beverly Hills高中作了一名普通的高中生,在这里,她依然怀揣着要做演员的雄心壮志,但是,她却因为周围的环境陷入了孤独的情绪中.她被周围那些长相好看,生活奢侈的同学耻笑,他们取笑她的背带和眼镜,因为马琦琳.波特兰德不像其他家长那么富有,因此安吉丽娜.朱莉不得不在二手商店,比如Aardvark购买衣服.她的自信严重受挫.在14岁的时候,她放弃了表演班,并开始虚无的生活和自我厌恶.但她后来听从母亲的建议,再次返回Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute,并立志好好学习表演.【安吉丽娜,朱莉电影】

13岁时她进入Beverly Hills高中作了一名普通的高中生,在这里,她依然怀揣着要做演员的雄心壮志,但是,她却因为周围的环境陷入了孤独的情绪中.
when 13,she was admitted into the Beverly Hills high school as an ordinary high school student. she still hold the ambition of being an actress here. howere,she fell into the longly emotion because of the situation arounding her.
she was laughted by her classmates those who were beautiful and rich.they laughted at her braces and glasses.because MaQiLin. Bertrand was not as rich as other parents;because Angelina jolie had to buy clothes at second-hand shop,such as Aardvark.
她的自信严重受挫.在14岁的时候,她放弃了表演班,并开始虚无的生活和自我厌恶.但她后来听从母亲的建议,再次返回Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute,并立志好好学习表演.
her confidence was seriously hurt.when 14,she gave up the acting class ,leding a windy life and hating herself.but later,she fellowed her mother"s advice and came back to Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute.there,she was determined to learning acting.


Three years ago,while visiting an ex-girlfriend in London,Bosch took the opportunity to audition for the English National Ballet,where he"s been working ever since.While taking part in a photo shoot for them,he was spotted by an agent who called a few days later to ask if he"d be interested in auditioning for a film."I had no idea what it was,but I had the Saturday off so I thought I"d go along.I had nothing to lose.They got me to talk to the camera,to take my t-shirt off and dance a bit,then said,"Thank you very much,we"ll be in touch"." A few weeks later,Bosch was recalled from holiday in Spain to meet director.
Oliver Stone at Pinewood Studios.That"s when he realised he might be onto something big."They told me it was the story of Alexander the Great,and that I was up for the role of Bagoas.After a seven-hour wait,I saw Oliver in a tiny room,where he was sitting on a sofa.He just said "Seduce me...",so I danced for him and again it was,"Thank you very much"." When he was finally given the role,Bosch was whisked off to Morocco to meet the rest of the cast."I"d heard of Val Kilmer and Angelina Jolie,but Colin Farrell was unknown in Spain at that time,so I had no idea what he was like.The first time I met him,he was sitting in the hotel bar,and he said,"I"m so happy to meet you!I"ve heard so much about you!",which was very strange,as he was the star.After that,we spent a lot of time together,but all of it was work.Our love scene was beautiful,but you know what happened to that.Oh,well...maybe it"ll be on the dvd one day.

Three years ago,while visiting an ex-girlfriend in London,Bosch took the opportunity to audition for the English National Ballet,where he"s been working ever since.While taking part in a photo shoot for them,he was spotted by an agent who called a few days later to ask if he"d be interested in auditioning for a film."I had no idea what it was,but I had the Saturday off so I thought I"d go along.I had nothing to lose.They got me to talk to the camera,to take my t-shirt off and dance a bit,then said,"Thank you very much,we"ll be in touch"."
三年前,当《博施》前往伦敦探访前女友之际,他利用此机会到他迄今一直工作的地方,英国国家芭蕾舞团,参加一个试镜招聘会.在参与拍摄照片时,他被一位星探相中;几天后,他接到电话询问是否有兴趣参加一个电影试镜.“我不知道是咋回事,不过由于星期六休息,也不会有任何损失,所以就决定去看看.他们要我对着镜头说话,脱下T恤并进行短暂的舞蹈;然后说:’十分感谢,我们会联系你’ ”.
A few weeks later,Bosch was recalled from holiday in Spain to meet director Oliver Stone at Pinewood Studios.That"s when he realised he might be onto something big."They told me it was the story of Alexander the Great,and that I was up for the role of Bagoas.After a seven-hour wait,I saw Oliver in a tiny room,where he was sitting on a sofa.He just said "Seduce me...",so I danced for him and again it was,"Thank you very much"."
When he was finally given the role,Bosch was whisked off to Morocco to meet the rest of the cast."I"d heard of Val Kilmer and Angelina Jolie,but Colin Farrell was unknown in Spain at that time,so I had no idea what he was like.The first time I met him,he was sitting in the hotel bar,and he said,"I"m so happy to meet you!I"ve heard so much about you!",which was very strange,as he was the star.After that,we spent a lot of time together,but all of it was work.Our love scene was beautiful,but you know what happened to that.Oh,well...maybe it"ll be on the dvd one day.


(Synopsis) Kung Fu Panda is the story of Po,(voice Jack Black),a sweet,but clumsy Panda who has dreams of fighting with the legendary Furious Five and protecting the city against all threats.The only problem is that Po has no real life experience of kung fu,and his real job is serving noodles at his dad"s noodles shop.News of selecting the Dragon Warrior is sent out from the Jade Temple,and the whole city along with Po,go to the celebration.The competition is between the Furious Five:Tigress (voice Angelina Jolie),Viper (voice Lucy Liu),Crane (voice David Cross),Monkey (voice Jackie Chan),and Mantis (voice Seth Rogen).Po accidentally enters the contest and is named the Dragon Warrior.Master Shifu (voice Dustin Hoffman) must find a way to train Po and make him a Kung Fu Master,especially,after they learn that the snow leopard,Tai Lung (voice Ian McShane),is headed their way.

(简介)影片:功夫熊猫讲述了一只叫 波(PO)(杰克.布莱克 配音)的熊猫 ,他可爱的,但却笨拙,还经常梦想着跟神奇五侠并肩作战,保卫小镇,防御外敌.但问题确是,波从没有学过功夫,他的真正工作就是在父亲的面条点打杂.
选举神龙大侠的消息从岫玉殿发出了,跟波一样,整个小镇的人们都涌向岫玉殿,参加这次盛大活动.这次选举是在虎妞(安吉丽娜.朱莉 配音),毒蛇(刘玉玲 配音),鹤(大卫.克劳斯 配音),猴哥(成龙 配音)和 螳螂(塞斯.罗根 配音)间进行的.波意外的进入了比赛,并被指定为神龙大侠.师傅(达斯丁.霍夫曼)必须找到一种将波训练成功夫大师的途径,因为他们知道雪豹太郎(伊恩.麦克山 配音)已经 向他们出发了.


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