
来源:百科 时间:2016-09-07 10:48:09 阅读:





(1)1234567In the Zoo

Rose’s mother wants to take Rose to the zoo today. Many kinds of animals are in the zoo. So Rose is very happy.

Rose and her mother go to see the tigers and lions first(首先). Tigers and lions are scary(令人害怕的) so they live in strong cages(笼子) in the zoo. And they eat much meat every day.

Rose sees two big elephants and a baby one. The elephants are very kind to people. Rose rides(骑) on an elephant and she is glad.

Some cute pandas are in the zoo, too. They are a little shy(害羞). So people need to be very 走近) them. Look! Five giraffes(长颈鹿) are there. They have long necks. They are from Africa(非洲). They like eating grass(草) and leaves(叶子) very much.

(2) My Family Tree

My name is Bill. I’m from England. I am a worker. My wife(妻子), Ann, is a teacher. We have two kids. A son and a daughter. Jim is our son. Sally is our daughter. They are students. My father’s name is Robby. My mother’s name is Diana. They are old. I have a brother. His name is Robert. He is a worker, too. My wife’s father is Sam. Her mother’s name is Rose. Her sister is Lily. She is a teacher, too.

(3)Alice’s Day

Alice is from England. She is thirteen. She is a student in a high school in Linzhou, Henan. Alice often gets up at about 6:30 on weekdays(工作日). She often has a glass of milk, an egg and some bread for breakfast. She goes to school at 7:30 and gets there before(在„„之前) 8:00. Alice has breakfast with her parents at 7:25 this morning.“Have an egg, Alice. It’s very nice.”Her mother says.“No, thank you, Mom. I have to go now. We have classes at 8:00.”

(4)Going Shopping

It is Sunday today. Anna goes shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a new coat for her. In Hongxing Shop, she finds a green coat. She tries it on. It’s too small. She wants a big one, but the big one is not green. Anna doesn’t like other colors.“Let’s go to another(另外的) shop to have a look.”her mother says. Then they go to Jiajiale Shop. The shop is big and they see many kinds of coats in different colors and sizes(尺码). Anna tries on a green one. It looks nice on her. So they take it for forty-five yuan.


My name is Bill. I get up at twenty to seven in the morning. Then I have breakfast. After(在„„之后) breakfast I go to school. We have four classes in the morning. I have lunch at school, but on Sundays I have lunch at home with my family. I often have dinner at home. I often help my mother cook. My mother is an English teacher, and she often helps me with my English. (6)Going to the Zoo

Our class will go to the zoo tomorrow. There are(有) many kinds of animals. There are three tigers and two old lions. They eat much meat. There are two big monkeys and one baby monkey. They’re kind and clever. They like kids and kids often give them bread and bananas. Monkeys like bananas very much. In the zoo, there are other animals, like bears(熊) and pandas. Bears can ask for food with their “hands”. They like cakes(蛋糕)very much. Pandas are people’s favorite animals. They just live in China. They are black and white. They are very cute.



一 单项填空

1. The ______ teacher has much teaching ______ and she has many interesting _______.

A. experience; experiences; experience B. experienced; experience; experiences

C . experience; experiences; experiences D. experienced; experiences; experience

2. I will never forget the days we worked together in the countryside.

A. when

A. its B. what

C. that D. where 3. The book _______ cover is broken is not mine . B. which C. that D. whose D. considered D. approve 4. What are you doing out of bed, Tom? You’re _______ to be asleep. A. supposed A. admit

A. really B. known B. agree C. thought 5. Her parents don’t _______ of her going to study abroad alone. C. prove 6. The weather was ______ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room . B. such C. too D. so

7 .The school _______ I visited the other day was not the one _______ I once studied.

A. that; which

A. by which

A. repaired B. which; where B. to which C. where; which C. on which D. where; where D. through which D. to repair 8. She showed me her new car ______ she’d spent a lot of money. 9. You’d better have the second-hand car _______ before you sell it. B. repair C. repairing

10. I feel like we have to punish him ______ he has behaved so rudely to his parents.

A. now that B. as though C. as long as D. because of

二 完形填空

Have you ever heard the radio club in our school? It is great because it is run by the students

for the school. Kate Jones is as she is one of the hosts.

two years ago. One day , Kate just began thinking about for

everyone, so she asked the headmaster if music could be played during break times.He agreed to

the oldest student

their schoolmates

about the weather, recent news, and some special messages that they are required to broadcast.

When parents come to visit the school and talk to the teachers, Kate and her fellows

play songs sung by students, and also give messages to inform the outings and school plays. At the end of the school year, many students who are graduating use the

Kate says she will miss the radio club after graduation, she knows that it will

continue without her.


B.shy C.lucky D.angry

12、A.started B.made C.found D.ended

D.speech 13、A.paintings B.sport

15、A.to B.about C.stories D.music

C.as D.from

D.hardly D.parents 14、A.order B.question C.idea 16、A.tell B.warn C.call D.ask 17、A.never B.often C.seldom C.friends 18、A.foreigners B.reporters

20、A.thus B.but 19、A.club B.party C.team D.class C.or D.so


Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses. She is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world.

Hepburn was born in Belgium on May 4, 1929. She began taking ballet(芭蕾)lessons at a very young age. She loved dancing and her dream was to become a successful ballet dancer. She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry.

In 1951, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman(罗马的)Holiday. It was a big success and Hepburn became famous immediately. She won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film.

During her lifetime , Hepburn earned four more Oscar nominations(提名). Some of the well-known films that she acted in include Funny Face ,Breakfast at Tiffany’s and My Fair Lady.

Hepburn also devoted much of her time to charity. She spent the last few years of her life working closely with UNICEF to help poor children in different parts of the world . She was honoured with a number of awards(奖励)because of her efforts in helping them.

21. Hepburn was born in .

A. USA B. Belgium C. Italy D. England

22. Her dream was to become a successful when she was very young.

A. singer B. trainer C. dancer D. director

23. made Hepburn a big success.

A. Roman Holiday B.Funny Face C.Breakfast at Tiffany’s D.My Fair Lady

24. Hepburn was honoured with a number of awards because she .

A. acted in many films B. was good at ballet

C. gave everything to others D. did her best to help poor children


One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧子)dropped into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy(仙女)came out and asked the man what was the matter. “ I have lost my axe,” he said . “ It dropped into the water when I was cutting the wood.” The fairy showed him a gold 三 阅读理解

axe and asked, “ Is this yours?”

“No,” said the man. The fairy then showed him a silver(银)axe and asked again, “Is this yours?” “No,” again answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe. “Yes, that is mine,” called out the happy man.

“I know that well enough,” said the fairy. “I only wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, and now I’ll give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one.”

A. he dropped into the water B. his axe dropped into the water

C. his axe dropped into a lake D. he saw a beautiful fairy

26. The man was sad because .

A. he was poor and had no other axes B. he could not go on working

C. he liked his axe very much D. his axe was a gold axe

27. The fairy gave him a gold axe and a silver axe but he didn’t take them, because he .

A. did not like them B. did not know they were made of gold and silver

C. was very rich D. knew these axes were not his

28. At the end of the story the man had A. only one axe B. two axes C. three axes D. many axes

四 摘录信息



Many people have contributed to the Olympic Games. At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, the People’s Republic of China returned to the Games after the 32 years of absence. I am sure the whole of China must have felt very proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country. Deng Yaping, who won four Olympic gold medals in 1992 and 1996 and became an IOC member in 2000, is perhaps the greatest female table tennis player the world has ever seen. At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-meet hurdles. Another superstar I would like to mention is Michael Jordan. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Jordan won his second Olympic

五 回答问题 阅读下面短文,根据第6至第8小题的具体要求,简要回答问题,并将答案转写到答题


Today there are policemen everywhere, but in 1700, London had no policemen at all. A few old men used to protect the city streets at night and they were not paid.

In 1750, Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like policemen and were called “Bow Street Runners” because they worked near Bow Street.

Fifty years later , there were 120 “Bow Street Runners”, but London had become very big and needed more policemen. So in 1829, London Police Force was started with 3,000 officers. Until 1920 all the police in London were men.

6. Who protected London in 1700?(回答词数不超过4个)


7. When was London Police Force started? (回答词数不超过2个)


8. What do you think of Henry Fielding ? (回答词数不超过10个)


六 双向翻译


Going to a British school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain and ends about 3:30p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.

On the first day, all students went to attend an assembly. 孩旁边. We soon became best friends. During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. My English improved a lot as I used English every day 以我可以免费给家人和朋友发邮件. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we had a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates enjoyed the cake I made.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________


一 单项选择:

1---5 BADAD 6---10 DBCAA

二 完形填空:

11---15 CADCC 16---20 ABDAB

三 阅读理解:

21---24 BCAD 25---28BADC

四 摘录信息:

1. Name(s) 2. gold medal 3 four 4. Asian 5. Michael Jordan

五 阅读简答:

6. A few old men. 7. In 1829.

8. He was concerned about public welfare.

●He cared for people. / He was helpful. /He was rich.. /…..

六 双向翻译:

1. 因为学校大约在就(上午)九点钟开始上课。

2. I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana. / I sat next to a girl named Diana. / I sat next to a girl who was named Diana.

3. 他还告诉我们赢得尊重的最好办法是全身心投入学习,取得高分。

4. 而且每天花一小时在图书馆阅读英语书籍。

5. So I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free.


第二页 二 zýng hãn lûâ ái hã nân

三 得失、吞吐、详略、攻守、是否、爱憎、进退、始终 四 1.天下谁人不识君 劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人

2.各显神通 孙悟空大闹天宫——慌了神(八仙聚会——-神聊) 3.明朝依旧晴 等闲识得东风面 漠漠水田飞白鹭 莫看江面平如镜

五 1、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。 –文天祥

2、 风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳;家事、国事、天下事,事事关心。 –



– 苏轼



5、书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。 – 刘向

6、我扑在书上就像饥饿的人扑在面包上。– 高尔基



六 我们小学生从小就要树立远大的理想,努力学习知识,为将来长大后报效祖国而作好准备。

P3 一 jí zhân nài gài pãi zōng chǐ liàn

二 圆溜溜、红彤彤、笑眯眯、冷冰冰、胖乎乎、亮晶晶、黄澄澄、白花花、金灿灿

P4 三 天上的云真是变化万千啊,有的像快乐的小鸟,有的像奔驰的骏马,有的像

自由的小鱼,有的像可爱的小兔。 五 1. 寒冷 挨冻 崭新 P5 2. 位 封 块 件 句 片

3.尽快把自己身上的一件旧棉袄寄去 说了一大堆好听的话,后来送了一件崭新的狐皮袄

4.(1)宝贵的意思:价值高,意义大 “宝贵的棉袄”指旧棉袄。





P7 一 寸金难买寸光阴。下笔如有神。

二 1.立 名 足 (2.词语接龙,如:国家-家长-长大-大队-队员-员工-工作-作业)

3. 集邮册, 打印――打印机,洒水――洒水车,钓鱼――钓鱼竿

三 夺: D 大 ②④① 哄:H 口 ①③②

P8 四 严格 精彩 沉重 五 进步 落后 节约 浪费 朦胧 清晰

P9 六 1. “好啦好啦!”他高兴地喊起来,“这东西既能挡雨遮太阳,又很轻巧。” 2. 找、劈、扎、找、剪、蒙 3. 太阳像个大火轮,„„。 把太阳比作大火轮。

4. 高兴;开心、愉快、快乐等。 5. 亭子 休息 轻轻巧巧 许多小孩头上都顶着一张荷叶

能挡雨遮太阳,又很轻巧 竹子 架子 羊皮

七 人山人海-海底捞月-月下老人-人定胜天-天涯海角

八 说起吃西瓜,数爸爸吃得最快了。只见他双手捧着一块大西瓜,嘴巴从左边‘扫’到右边,哈!一眨眼的功夫,他的手上只剩下青青的西瓜皮了。再看看他的嘴,塞得圆鼓鼓的,可爱极了!不一会儿,一粒粒西瓜籽就被他吐了出来。



推荐访问:2016长江暑假作业答案 长江暑假作业英语答案