
来源:读后感 时间:2018-08-17 08:00:04 阅读:





Gulliver"s Travels, Jonathan Swift"s brilliant, satirical adventure, is a must-read. It is an appealing novel containing both, whimsy and wit. Swift seamlessly blends fact with fiction in this tale of an English ship surgeon. It pokes fun at the travelogues of this time period.
Lemuels Gulliver goes on four remarkable voyages across the globe and gets himself in several different situations. Symbolism, humor, and intelligence fill all three-hundred and eleven pages. The reader gets a good laugh all through the book at the expense of the main character. Gulliver has no sense of humor and adapts to every single environment that he is in. The book is well written masterpiece full of details. It is impossible to lose interest while reading each eventful chapter. The reader can never really predict what is next for the adventurous, gullible Gulliver.
Gulliver"s travels is a novel that anyone who has an imagination would find entertaining and appealing. On the other hand, some members of the book club will find this book to ridiculous. This novel is not the typical satire, drama, comedy or adventure. Most books that we book worms read are serious or sometimes dark but this novel is neither. It is a fun read that doesn"t take itself too seriously.
If you come to Gulliver’s Travels only knowing it as told to children, you could be as surprised as if you mistook a grizzly bear for a teddy. Despite it’s magical narrative, Swift’s black humour and acute satire are the book’s chief pleasures.
In the first voyage Gulliver is shipwrecked, waking up with his body and hair fastened to the ground. He is addressed in a strange language by a “human Creature not six inches high”, and then harmlessly attacked by a minute army. When he becomes a servant of the King of Lilliput the satire begins to bite. As we view the Lilliputians through Gulliver’s eyes, their wars and politics (which echo the events of Swift’s day) appear proportionately small-minded and vicious. Disillusioned with Lilliputian society, Gulliver soon seeks his escape.
In the second voyage the situation is reversed. Fortunately, the giants of Brobdingnag are for the most part kind-hearted, and Gulliver becomes deeply attached to them. Nevertheless, he is vulnerable not just to gigantic wasps, monkeys and cow-pats, but also to criticism of his own species. After questioning Gulliver about the history of Britain, the King is wounding: “I cannot but conclude the Bulk of your Natives, to be the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth”.
The remaining voyages progressively show humanity’s wickedness in a starker light. In the final voyage a race of super-intelligent horses debate whether to exterminate the revolting human Yahoos who blight their island. The reader’s sympathies are somewhat mixed. By this point, Gulliver’s Travels has become less a satire than a fictional polemic, a forebear of The Time Machine, Brave New World and Animal Farm. Like the authors of these novels, Swift powerfully exploits his imaginative resources to ask unsettling questions about politics, science and human nature. It may not be suitable for kids, but it is literature of the very highest order.
Lemuel Gulliver tells his story of wanderlust and the marvelous countries he visited while travelling. His travels took place in the early 1700"s when England was discovering and claiming lands around the world. Yet Gulliver did not try to claim the lands he discovered for Mother England.
Gulliver visits Lilliput, where the residents are only about six inches tall. His next journey takes him to Brobdingnag, where the residents are about sixty feet tall. In each of these places he is an oddity because of his size. His ship is overtaken by pirates on his next trip and he is rescued by the people on Laputa, an island that floats in the air above the world. On his last expedition he winds up shipwrecked in Houyhnhnm, a land where the intelligent species looks like our horses. The abridged version of his travels are amazing to anyone young or old.
The unabridged version of this story holds a lot of amusement for any politically savvy adult. Gulliver comments on each country"s government and how it is superior to the English and European governments. He uses these countries to highlight all the problems within his own country. His description of lawyers still fits to a tea even today. He saterizes every level of government and human failings.
All too often I found myself tuning out as Gulliver continued to describe his government to another country"s leader. Of course that other leader could not understand how anyone could live the way Gulliver depicted. Other times I would be laughing at how well Swift would show ourselves to us. The research school is beyond imagination. I also know why most dramatizations stop after Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Swift uses the last two countries to poke most of his barbs. The travels drag in my opinion when he keeps going on about the govermnments or actions of men. He uses satire like a stick to beat the reader over the head.
There were times I was sick of his (Gulliver"s) self righteousness. He was always unfailingly polite (except to a dwarf in the giant land) and would never presume. He would listen to reason among all rulers of lands and try to explain his own countrymen logically. Swift draws Gulliver as extremely proper. By the end of the book Gulliver has withdrawn from society. Society hasn"t lost anything by his isolation.



"Gulliver"s Travels" 读后感
"Gulliver"s Travels" is Jonathan Swift"s Travels a distinguished body of fiction, the novel Gulliver surgeon four sailing adventures for the clue, consists of four parts.
Gulliver is the United Kingdom a nautical travel loving people. He studied medicine when they were young, and later in a seagoing vessel to act as the surgeon, many around the world, visited many places, there have been a lot of adventure. The most noteworthy is that he went to Lilliput, Brobdingnag, flying island, Hui Malaysia"s four travels.
"Gulliver"s Travels" is the adventure story is a fantasy novel, is travels, is political commentator, is allegory literature, it is worth reading in relation to the classic.



After I read these two different versions of Cinderella,I found there are many similarities and differences between them.First,I will go over the common things that these two books have.They both have very similar characteristics.For example,Cinderella is always a very beautiful and nice girl.She has to do all the hard and dirty work under the discipline of bad characters.Bad characters are commonly involved in these stories.For example,Yeh-Shen had a wicked stepmother,who promoted her own child,but was very mean to her.Rhodopis,a Greek slave girl living in Egypt,had her companion servants who made fun of her appearance and kept distance from her.Second,they have both have a similar plot and theme.Both stories have a good ending toward their destiny.In both versions of Cinderella,they finally get great rewards and marry to the royalties.Third,there are always some belongings being taken away from Cinderella.Elegant dresses,shoes,and rose-red slippers often play important roles in these stories.For example,in the Chinese version of Cinderella,Yeh-shen lost the gold shoes in a huge parade.The king got the shoes and found a long way to find the right person who could fit in it.Fourth,they are all attributed to the supernatural or animals.In the Chinese version of Cinderella,Yeh-Shen was helped by the Fish spirit,and Rhodopis was helped by the falcon.Fifth,the most but not the least,they are both illustrated by beautiful colors and textures to describe the story of Cinderella.This is especially true in the story of the Egyptian Cinderella,which presents great details of life in ancient Egypt.Certainly,there are also some differences between these two books.The Egyptian Cinderella was based on a true story of ancient Egypt to some extent .This is unlike other fairy tales,which use a lot of imagination.In the history of ancient Egypt,Rhodopis did marry to the King Pharaoh Amasis.Furthermore,there is no punishment to bad characters in the Egyptian version of Cinderella.
I like the Chinese version of Cinderella better because it originated from China.I have heard this type of story a long time ago.It has some sort of traditional Chinese culture values and elements inside the story as well.In addition,it was illustrated by Ed.Young whom I have very strong respect for.To conclude,no matter whether they are western or eastern versions of Cinderella,they all tell the great fairy tales that we like.One thing I have learned from these fairy tales is that we need to be optimistic when we encounter problems in our life.The final outcome will turn out great if we try very hard towards our goals and make it happen.
When bending my eyes downward as much as I could,I perceived a human not six inches high!"
When Lemuel Gulliver sets off from London on a sea voyage,little does he know the many incredible and unbelievable misadventures awaiting him.Shipwrecked at sea and nearly drowned,he washes ashore upon an exotic island called Lilliput-where the people are only six inches tall!Next he visits a land of incredible giants called Brobdingnagians.They are more than sixty feet tall!He travels to Laputa,a city that floats in the sky,and to Glubbdubdrib,the Island of Sorcerers.His final voyage brings him into contact with the Yahoos-a brutish race of subhumans-and an intelligent and virtuous race of horse,the Houyhnhnms.
First published in 1726,Gulliver"s Travels remains one of the most exciting fantasy adventures ever written.



  以下的文章是我利用我的Study Hall来写的,我40分钟的结晶啊!
  The book,Wuthering Heihts written in 1847,by Emily Bronte.It is a very good novel.The story in this novel deeply moved everyone who had read it and the structure of this novel is very fresh.
  At first I will tell you the main plot about Wuthering Heights.The story is narrated by Lockwood,a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set,and of Mrs Dean,housekeeper to the Earnshaw Family,who had been witness of the interlocked destinies of the original owners of the Heights.Described the love and enmity between Earnshaw and Linton’s family,especially Heathcliff and Catherine’s deeply love.Heathcliff is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw.Heathcliff is treated as Earnshaw’s own children,Catherine and Hindley.Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley after Earnshaw death and his lover Catherine marries Edgar Linton for many factors.This made Heathcliff mad,his destructive force is unleashed and his first victim is his beloved,Catherine,who dies giving birth to a girl,another Catherine(Kathy).Edgar’s sister,whom he had married,flees to the south.Their son Linton and Kathy are married,but always sickly Linton dies.After that,Hareton,Hindley’s son and the young widow fall in love.Increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life,Heathcliff experiences visions,and he longs for the death that will reunite him with Catherine.
  The story is wonderful,and the structure is also extremely excellent.The author Emily Bronte use a series of flashbacks and time shifts draws a powerful picture of this story.Because of its wonderful story,excellent structure and graceful language,the book left a deep impression on me.
  From this book,we understand the deeply love and enmity.We find that the enmity always touched by deeply love at the end of the story,true feelings and true love always moved everyone.So we must treat others with true feelings.
  That’s all I want to say about Wuthering Heights.It’s really a good book.Readers will really gain much from this book.



Gulliver"s Travels
Grimm"s Fairy Tales
The Frog Prince
Sleeping Beauty
Little Red Riding Hood
Snow White



Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father,he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery.On the contrary,we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge .if (Capitalize "If" since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king,how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So,every thing has two sides,the bright side and adumbral side.Every time we make a decision we have to think twice.
Be careful with your spelling,grammar,and punctuation.Too many uncessary mistakes.
It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet.Thats quite objective and convincing.【格列佛游记英文读后感】




小说第一卷是小人国 。文中描写的小人国其实就是旧时期英国的缩影,当时英国资产阶级当政,看似繁荣的大不列颠帝国实则风雨飘渺,现实还原到小说中,小人国亦是如此。印像深刻的是小人国通过结绳取悦国王来选拔官员,小说中将官员像小丑一般表演的丑态,描写的淋漓尽致,强有力的讽刺了英国的官员行政不作为的现象,实则抒发对英国当下社会制度的强烈不满。

小说发展到第二卷大人国 ,在大人国,格列佛十分渺小,我印像深刻的有一段,格列佛作为玩物被卖进皇宫,成为皇后的玩物,皇后的仆从因此失宠,便开始陷害格列佛,他将格列佛丢进皇后的汤里,格列佛差点淹死;他还将格列佛塞进空心粉内,差点被皇后吃下去。事后我认为仆从会被赐死,可皇后只是把仆从送人一个贵妇以作惩戒。当格列佛被国王召见,格列佛骄傲的谈论着他的国家议会制度、法律,却让国王嗤之以鼻。而小说也从暗讽转为明讽,没有绕弯子,直接讽刺英国的社会制度。

小说的第三卷飞岛国 ,刚讽刺了发展科技这一现象。当今人们提倡科技改变生活,若真的没有了科技,反而平凡的生活更安逸。

到了终章慧烟国, 作者描绘了一个没有战争,只有聪明的马与善良的人的国度。我认为这是将慧烟国与当时的英国相对比,突显人性的贪婪、嫉妒、丑陋。同时,我也认为,这则讽刺小说到了结尾,是一种憧憬,可以说这时的乔纳森与陶渊明一样,是在憧憬一处世外桃源,而慧骃国,就是乔纳森心中的桃花源。



格列佛游记 英文读书笔记 每章的概要,要用英文下,每章200字左右.
格列佛游记 英文读书笔记

To be frank,when I had to chose a book for my reading and research at very begining,Gullivers Travels,an excellent ironic novel,shocked me by its fascinating story,clever clue and the reality it tells us.But,to my surprise,this book is actually a big challenge to me.Firstly,it is a friction novel,and there are many special nones created by the author,which are so difficult to understand that I have to read its chinese version from time to time.Secondly,Gullivers Travels is of deep connotation.It involves many religious and political aspects.As we know,it is hard to explain these aspects in Chinese,let alone in English.For those reasons above,in my article,I have to make some reference from others.
During my reading,I encountered many problems due to my knowledge limitation.Thus,I recognized that the quality of knowledge is the key to influence the comprehensive quality of a person.Everybody should learn more to lay foundation for further study.


找到简介了 350字读後感啊~_



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