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THE GRE 同反义字


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Adj. (1) p.93-101 Synonyms

1. 可鄙的 despicable, contemptible

可尊敬的 venerable, revered, reverend, reverential, honorable, admirable, estimable

2. 可分辨的 discernible, perceptible, appreciable, detectable, observable, palpable, sensible, tangible

不可分辨的 imperceptible, impalpable, inappreciable, insensible, intangible, subtle, elliptical,

3. 易受骗的 gullible, credulous, naive, susceptible

精明的 astute, shrewd; 警觉的 wary

4. 易怒的 irascible, choleric, testy, touchy, irritable, peevish, petulant

脾气好的 good-natured, even-tempered

5. 易塑形的 malleable, plastic, adaptable, ductile, moldable, pliable, pliant, supple

僵硬的 rigid, stiff, incompliant, inelastic, inflexible, unbending, unyielding

6. 温顺的 tractable, amenable, docile,

顽固的 balky, headstrong, unmanageable, willful; obstinate, mulish, refractory, unruly

7. 坚定的 adamant, inflexible, obdurate, rigid, unbendable, unbending, uncompromising, unswayable, unyielding, immobile, immovable

让步的 yielding; 犹豫动摇的 moved, vacillatory, irresolute

8. 顽抗的recalcitrant, refractory, contumacious, unruly, fractious, indomitable, intractable, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, obstinate, stubborn; opposing, resisting, withstanding

顺从的 amenable, obedient, docile, tractable

9. 敌意的inimical, unfriendly, hostile

友善的amiable, amicable, amenable

10. 善变的mercurial, whimsical, fickle

不变的constant, abiding, clinging, enduring, lasting, persistent, persisting

11. 挥霍的prodigal, profligate, extravagant, dissipated, lavish, improvident; spendthrift

慷慨的generous, munificent, (noun)largesse

节约的frugal, provident, (noun)husbandry

吝啬的parsimonious, miser, mean

12. 喧哗的 blatant, vociferous, boisterous, clamorous, obstreperous; 明显的 obvious, apparent, distinct, evident, manifest, palpable, patent; obtrusive

不明显的 subtle, inconspicuous; unimpressive, unobtrusive 13. 可怕的 formidable, redoubtable, fearful, appalling, awful, dreadful, frightful, horrible, horrific, shocking, terrible, terrific ; 困难的 hard, arduous, difficult, labored, laborious, strenuous, toilsome, tough

14. 爱讲话的 voluble, loquacious, garrulous

沉默寡言的 taciturn, reticent; 简洁的 laconic, succinct, terse, pithy

15. 冗言的redundant wordy, diffuse, prolix, tautological, verbose, windy,

简洁的 brief, compendious, curt, laconic, succinct, summary, terse, pithy

16. 陈旧平凡的 banal, trite, stale, threadbare, timeworn

创新的 novel, original; 有吸引力的arresting

17. 虚构的 chimerical, imaginary, fancied, fanciful, fictitious, imagined

真实的 genuine, true, actual, real

18. 巨大的colossal, huge, gargantuan, gigantic, immense, mammoth, prodigious, titanic, tremendous, vast

小的tiny, minuscule; infinitesimal, microscopic

19. 短暂的 ephemeral, transient, evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, momentary, passing, short-lived, transitory,


永久的 endless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, lasting, perpetual, permanent

20. 轻盈的 ethereal, heavenly; 无实体的unsubstantial; 纤细薄弱的filmy, gossamer; delicate, fragile

重的 heavy, ponderous; 有实体的material, substantial

21. 青翠的 verdant, lush, luxuriant

干枯的 sere; 草木不生的sterile; 贫瘠的barren, infertile

22. 辅助的 ancillary, auxiliary, supplementary

主要的chief, preponderant (占优势的)

23. 有益的salutary, salubrious, wholesome

有害的deleterious, harmful, damaging, detrimental, hurtful, injurious, nocuous

Adj. (2) p.102-112 synonyms By 方有毅

1. 难懂得 abstruse, recondite

易懂得 accessible, patent, explicit, perspicuous

2. 大量的 ample, abundant, bounteous, bountiful, copious, plentiful

少量的 meager, scant

3. 适当相关的 apposite, relevant, germane, pertinent, (时机) opportune

不当无关的 inappropriate, extraneous, immaterial, irrelevant, impertinent; inconvenient

4. 渴望的 avid, eager, agog; covetous, craving

冷漠的 indifferent; 厌恶的averse

5. 华丽的 baroque, ornate, flamboyant, florid, rococo


6. 暗中偷偷的 clandestine, secret, covert, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious

坦率公开的aboveboard, forthright, straightforward, open

7. 整洁的 dapper, neat, natty, smart, spruce, prim, shipshape

脏乱的frowsy, slovenly, slipshod, squalid, tatty, unkempt, untidy, dingy, grimy, dowdy, shabby, greasy, messy

8. 轻浮的 frivolous, flippant

认真的earnest, grave, sober, solemn, seriousness; 端庄的demure, decent, reserved

9. 透明的 diaphanous, transparent, translucent, limpid

不透明的opaque, murky

10. 可怕的 dire, ghastly, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, lurid, macabre, terrible, terrifying; appalling,

awful, dreadful


11. 公正的 disinterested, unbiased, impartial, detached, neutral, dispassionate

偏见的jaundiced, partial, partisan, prejudiced, prepossessed, tendentious, warped

12. 相等的 commensurate, comparable, tantamount, equal ; similar, alike

相异的disparate, dissimilar, divergent, diverse

13. 沮丧的 dispirited, downcast, dejected, depressed, disconsolate, downhearted

活泼的 buoyant, sprightly, effervescent, expansive

14. 胖的 obese, corpulent, plump, rotund

瘦的 emaciated, spindly, gangly, gangling, lanky; 苗条的svelte; 憔悴的haggard

15. 和解 rapprochement, reconciliation

交恶 estrangement; 报复reprisal

16. 平淡无味的 flat, dull, insipid, bland, vapid

味道刺激的 pungent, piquant, poignant, zesty, tangy

17. 具敏锐观察力的 insightful, acute, keen, perspicacious, discerning

愚钝的obtuse, dull, blunt

18. 勇敢的 brave, audacious, aweless, bold, courageous, dauntless, doughty, gallant, heroic, intrepid, nervy, plucky, stalwart,

stout, stouthearted, valiant, valorous

害怕胆怯的 apprehensive, timid, timorous, fainthearted, craven, pusillanimous, unmanly; diffident

19. 快活的 jocose, jocund, jolly, jovial, cheerful, sportive, blithe; 乐观的sanguine

郁闷的 morose, sullen, crabbed, dour, dreary, gloomy, saturnine, sulky, surly

20. 笨拙的 awkward, clumsy, gauche, inept, maladroit, ungainly

敏捷的 lissome, lithesome, lithe; 熟巧的adroit, adept

21. 顺从的 pliant, amenable, docile, tractable, acquiescent, compliant, submissive, yielding, subservient

顽抗的balky, obstinate, pertinacious, incorrigible, insubordinate, intransigent, recalcitrant, refractory, uncontrollable, ungovernable, unruly, contumacious, rebellious; contrary, perverse, wayward, willful; headstrong,

22. 污染的 tainted, contaminated, spoiled, squalid

纯净的pristine, pure

23. 挥霍的 prodigal, dissipated, extravagant, lavish, profligate

吝啬的parsimonious, stingy, miserly, penurious, mean; 节约的frugal, provident, sparing, thrifty; husband (v.),

husbandry (n.)

24. 平凡的 ordinary, pedestrian, quotidian, commonplace, prosaic

不平凡的unusual, extraordinary, exceptional, phenomenal, remarkable

25. 红润的 rubicund, ruddy, roseate, sanguine

苍白的pale, pallid, wan

26. 迟钝 torpor, stupor; 懒散lethargy, dullness, languor, lassitude

活力 vigor, animation; 热心zeal, fervor

27. 陈旧的 trite, banal, threadbare, stale, timeworn, shopworn, clichéd, stereotyped, derivative, pastiche (n.)

创新的original, fresh, inventive

28. 冗长的 verbose, tautological, redundant, superfluous, wordy, diffuse, long-winded, prolix, windy; 爱讲话的voluble,


简洁的 terse, laconic, succinct, pithy, sententious, aphoristic, concise

29. 善变的 volatile, mercurial, capricious, whimsical, fickle

不变的constant, stable, unaltered

30. 虚弱的 effete, weak

活力健壮的 energetic, vivacious, lusty, hale

Adj. (3) p.113-121 synonyms By 方有毅

1. 污染的 tainted, corrupt, polluted; 弄脏 taint, contaminate besmear, besmirch, blur, defile, smear, smudge, soil, stain,

sully, tar, tarnish

纯洁的 pristine, unspoiled

2. 夸耀 vaunt, boast, brag, gasconade

贬低 belittle, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, disparage

3. 精力充沛的 ebullient, agitated, exuberant

安静的placid; 无活力的 torpid, lifeless, impassive 4. 贫穷的indigent, penurious, destitute, impecunious, impoverished

富裕的affluent, opulent

5. 放纵的indulgent, sybaritic, indulgent, voluptuous, luxurious

节制的abstemious, abstinent, continent, temperate, moderate; 禁欲ascetic, self-denial(n.), Spartan 6. 短暂的evanescent, ephemeral, transient, transitory, fleeting, meteoric

持久的abiding, enduring, lasting, eternal, permanent, perpetual

7. 严厉的inclement, draconian, severe, brutal, harsh, intemperate, rigorous, inexorable

仁慈的altruistic, benevolent, charitable, eleemosynary, humane, humanitarian, philanthropic

8. 大胆无礼的insolent, impudent, audacious, bold, brazen

礼貌的polite, courteous, urbane

9. 潜伏的latent, dormant 明显的patent, manifest, apparent, distinct, evident, obvious, palpable, salient, conspicuous, prominent

10. 慷慨munificent, liberal, generous, bountiful (abundant)

节约provident, frugal, sparing, thrift, chary

挥霍profligate, prodigal, lavish, dissipated, extravagant, spendthrift

吝啬miserly, stingy, parsimonious, mean, tightfisted, niggardly

11. 明显可了解的patent, accessible, bare;

难了解的occult, abstruse, recondite, unfathomable; 细微nuance, subtle 12. 相关的pertinent, relevant, germane, apposite

无关的irrelevant, extraneous, inappropriate, immaterial

13. 刺激的pungent, piquant, tangy, zesty, acrid

无味的bland, insipid, vapid, flat, dull

14. 热情fervor, zeal, ardor, enthusiasm; perfervid, impassioned, ardent, fervent, vehement

冷漠indifference; apathetic, impassive, dispassionate, insensible

15. 香味的redolent, fragrant, aromatic, perfumed

恶臭unscented; fetid, putrid, rancid, malodorous; stenchawful的反义词是什么

16. 睿智sapient, sagacious, politic, judicious

17. 愚蠢fatuous, asinine, foolish, silly; puerile 18. 刺耳的strident, harsh, discordant, grating, raspy, jarring, cacophonous

悦耳的euphonious, dulcet, mellifluous, melodious

19. 美味的ambrosial, savory, palatable

20. 严谨的stringent, tight, constricted

松弛的lax, loose, slack

21. 残酷的truculent, ferocious, cruel, savage

仁慈的humane, kind, benevolent

22. 有毒的virulent, poisonous, venomous, toxic; 恶意的malicious, malignant

有益健康的salubrious, salutary, wholesome

23. 有害的baleful, baneful, pernicious; foreboding evil, ominous, portentous; bale (=sorrow)

有益健康的salubrious, salutary, wholesome

24. 后悔的rueful, penitent, remorseful; 不满足的discontent, malcontent; 悲哀的doleful, dolorous, lamentable, lugubrious,

mournful, plaintive, sorrowful, woeful 不后悔的impenitent; 快乐的mirthful, merry, blithe, blithesome, festive, gay, gleeful, jocund, jolly, jovial, lighthearted

25. 夸大的bombastic, pompous, hyperbolic, grandiloquent, magniloquent; diffuse, long-winded, prolix, rambling, voluble, wordy

简洁的laconic, terse, succinct, pithy, compendious

26. 普遍的catholic, comprehensive, universal; ecumenical, cosmopolitan

狭窄的narrow, provincial, diocesan, insular

27. 困倦的lethargic, drowsy, sluggish

活力的vigorous, dynamic, energetic, lusty, vital, exuberant

28. 冷静不冲动的phlegmatic, unexcitable, impassive, apathetic, stoic, stolid, aloof, indifferent, unconcerned; lethargic,

sluggish, torpid

兴奋的ebullient, spirited, vivacious, lively, animate, animated, keen, sprightly, vibrant, zesty; frolicsome, playful, sportive; exuberant, effervescent, high-spirited

29. 多产的prolific, fruitful, productive

贫瘠的barren, sterile

30. 平凡无想象力的prosaic, dull, unimaginative, quotidian, pedestrian

非凡有想象的imaginary, extraordinary, exceptional, exciting

31. 易怒的splenetic, irascible, petulant, irate, peevish, choleric, bilious

和蔼的genial, affable, courteous 32. 谄媚sycophantic, fawning, obsequious; toady

傲慢自大imperious, arrogant, bumptious, insolent

33. 巨大titanic, colossal, enormous, gargantuan, immense, vast, huge, mammoth

微小tiny, minuscule; infinitesimal, microscopic

34. 挑剔carping, caviling, nitpicking, fastidious, finicky

35. 衰弱,枯萎flagging, wizened, withered, wilt

繁盛thriving, blooming, prosperous, 充满生机vibrant 36. 轻浮善变skittish, frivolous, fickle, capricious, whimsical, mercurial, volatile; 易惊吓easily frightened

37. 幽默玩笑waggish, bantering, jocular, jocose

严肃serious, earnest; 端庄 demure, modest, reserved; 不乐saturnine, morose, lugubrious

38. 无益bootless, useless, futile, abortive, ineffective, hamstrung, unprofitable

39. 大胆的dauntless, intrepid, plucky, nervy, daredevil, magnanimous


Unit10 Where did you do on vacation? Review


cheap(反义词)awful(反义词)swim(现在分词) stop(过去式) watch(单三) did not(缩写) 写动词过去式

do see buy make take sell put study decide swim enjoy stay eat


在假期 呆在家里

去纽约市 拜访我的叔叔

去夏令营 去爬山

去沙摊 参观博物馆

思考 很棒的天气 整天

一个漂亮的沙滩 在下午

玩得开心 在水里玩

去购物 去一个博物馆

有点无聊 发现小男孩正在哭泣

在角落里 帮助他找到他的爸爸

感到高兴 走回到旅馆

决定打网球 万里长城

故宫 天安门广场

北京胡同 制定关于假期问题 问你的同班同学问题 和你的同班同学讨论 假期去的最好的地方 写一份报道关于同学的假期 准备考试 太拥挤



+to do



(1)将She went to the mountains. 一句改为否定句和一般疑问句吗?

否定句:She ________ ___________ to the mountains.

一般疑问句:_______ she ________ to the mountains?Yes, she ________. / No, she ________.



一般过去时含有行为动词时,要借助于助动词________来完成其疑问句, [练一练]


She did her homework at home last night.

否定句:She _________ _________ her homework at home last night.

一般疑问句:__________ she _________ her homework at home last night? (肯

答)_____ ,she ______.

(2).She was happy yesterday .一句改为否定句和一般疑问句吗?

否定句:She happy yesterday

一般疑问句: she happy yesterday? Yes, she . / No, she





I was a student last year.



肯定回答 否定回答


二、单词拼写 dinner ?


2.We are studying for____ ____.(考试) 2.The beaches were beautiful. (对划线部分提问)

3.They went to ________(中央) Park last Saturday.


5.What did she ________(想) of her shoes?

6.How are the people? They are ________.(不友好)

7.I_______(参观) the museum yesterday.

8.I don't like going shopping. It's________(拥挤). _________ the beaches? 3.(对划线部分提问) You _________last weekend? 4.My sister did her homework yesterday evening.(改否定句) My sister her homework

9.At night, I listened to the sound of ______(波浪). yesterday evening. 10.My father likes to take a bus ______(旅行). He 5. My father was an artist. (对画线部分提问)

What ? thinks it's relaxing.

11.The mooncakes with eggs in them are ______(美味6.He did his homework after dinner. (改为一般疑问的). 句)


1.The room is__ ___(crowd)with some sports 7.I stayed at home last weekend.(对划线部分提问)

? things.

(改2.After hearing the bad news,the girl began___ 8 . My sister did her homework yesterday evening.


_(work) in the fields.

5.After walking three days,they are 否定句) 5句型转换 为一般疑问句)

1.He did his homework after dinner. 改为一般疑问句) his homework after homework yesterday evening.? really__ g. 9.My sister did her homework yesterday evening. (改 her



  answer: vt.回答


  英 [ɑːsk] 美 [æsk] 全球发音 跟读 口语练习vt. 问,询问;要求;需要;邀请;讨价

  vi. 问,询问;要求

  n. (Ask)人名;(芬、瑞典)阿斯克


  ask for 请求 ; 要求 ; 询问 ; 寻求

  ask about 询问 ; 打听 ; 询问有关 ; 询问关于某事

  Ask Me 法律咨询 ; 请问我 ; 问我 ; 私客密


  askance 的反义词是 direct

  askance: adv (idm 习语) look

  direct: vt.指导

  askant 的反义词是 direct

  direct: vt.指导

  damask 的反义词是 plain

  damask: n [U] 1 silk or linen material, with designs made visible by the reflection of light 缎子; 花缎; 锦缎; 织花麻布: [attrib 作定语] a damask table-cloth 织花桌布. 2 steel with a pattern of wavy lines or with inlaid gold or silver 大马士革钢(带有波纹图案或镶有金银).

  plain: n.平原 a.清楚的

  unasked 的反义词是 requested

  unasked: adj without being asked or invited 未被问及的; 未经邀请的: The meeting ended and the all-important question remained unasked. 会议结束了, 重要的问题都未提出来. * She came to the party unasked. 她未经邀请而来参加聚会.

  requested: 被请求的

  askew 的反义词是 straight

  askew: adj [pred 作表语], adv not in a straight or level position; crooked(ly) 歪; 斜; 歪斜: The picture is hanging askew. 这张画挂歪了. * He's got his hat on askew. 他歪戴著帽子. * The line is drawn all askew. 这条线都画斜了.

  straight: a.直的;正直的 ad.直



  英 [əʊld] 美 [old]

  adj. 陈旧的,古老的;年老的

  n. 古时

  n. (Old)人名;(英)奥尔德


  of old古时的;从前

  years old…岁(年龄)

  old man情人;丈夫;老头子;父亲

  old age老年;晚年

  young and old老老少少

  old people老年人;老人

  old 的词英语反义词参考:

  old 的反义词是 young

  old:adj (-er, -est) =>Usage at elder1 用法见elder


1 (with a period of time or with how 与表示一段时间的词或how连用) of (a particular) age (某)年龄的:

  He's forty years old. 他四十岁了.   At fifteen years old he left school. 他十五岁时中学毕业了.

  How old are you? 你多大岁数了?

  new 的反义词是 old

  new: 新的

  old: 旧的



  庄重 相关的反义词:

  轻浮 轻佻 滑稽


  [serious;grave;solemn] 风度、仪表、举止或谈吐不随便;沉着稳重


  serious;grave;solemn;sobriety ;



  You're out of order.


  Why am I out of order?


  The city itself is superb.


  In this country, is nothing sacred anymore?


  So tell me, was the ceremony beautiful?



  详细 相关的反义词:

  简单 粗略 粗疏 简要


  [detailed;minute;carefully;at length;in detail] 以有大量的细节为特征的





  1.detailed; minute; circumstantial; explicit:



  China doesn't publicize detailed employment data.


  The administration will release more detailed guidance on march fourth.


  Poppy harlow has the details on this for us.


  The company doesn't detail sales for specific devices.


  Company spokesmen declined to elaborate.


  称赞解释】:1.亦作"称赞"。 2.称誉赞美。以下是小编收集整理关于该词的反义词以及造句,希望对你有用!


  批评 指责














  【高明解释】:①(见解、技能)高超:主意~。 ②高明的人:另请~。以下是小编收集整理关于该词反义词以及造句,希望对你有用!


  低劣 拙劣













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