
来源:作文 时间:2018-08-18 18:00:07 阅读:





一、雅安抗震救灾   2013年4月20日,四川省雅安市芦山发生强烈地震,造成很大损失.学校号召全体师生向灾区捐款.请你拟一个发言稿,在学校捐款动员大会上使用.发言稿主要内容应包括:  1.对灾区情况的简单介绍(包括地震发生时间、地点、造成的财产和人员损失等);   2.捐款的意义(帮助灾区人民渡过难关、帮助灾区重建);   3.如何捐款(自愿、多少不限、以班级为单位,收齐后交到学校红十字会)   注意:  1.不要逐条翻译;   2.可适当增加细节;以使文章连贯; 3.词数至少100词.参考范文:Dear teachers and students,  As we all know,a terrible earthquake happened in Lushan,Sichuan Province on April 20,in which many buildings were destroyed and many people were injured.In order to help the earthquake victims to go through the hard times and rebuild their hometown,the school has called on everyone in our school,including both teachers and students,to donate money to the earthquake-stricken area.This donation is voluntary.You can give away however much you want to.The money will be collected by each class before it is handed to the Red Cross Society of our school.We hope that everyone will be kind enough to do what you can to help our fellow men out of the difficulty.Thank you.二、中国梦   最近,你们班召开了以“我的中国梦”为主题的班会活动.请写一篇日记,记述班会情况及自己的感受.内容要点如下:  1.每位同学都畅谈了自己对中国梦的理解;   2.你谈到了自己的梦想;   3.如何实现自己的梦想.  注意:  1.总词数不少于100.  2.不可逐条翻译.  3.开头已给出,不计入总词数.  参考范文:  April 8 Monday Fine Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream.Inspired by(受启发)President Xi’s Chinese Dream,everyone talked enthusiastically about his understanding of the Chinese Dream.We all believe that this dream will come true in the future.  I also talked about my own dream.I have always wanted to be a doctor.Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they aredoing a respectable(值得尊敬的) job.Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge(专业知识).To realize my dream,I must try to work hard from now on.I must learn as much as I can so that I can get into a good medical college,where I can prepare myself adequately(充分) for the job of a doctor.Only in this way can I accomplish my goal.



  注意:1. 词数:80―120
  2. 可以编写对话或其它叙述方式描写你与邻居的交涉过程
  About 9 o"clock last night, I was doing my homework. Suddenly I heard my neighbor shouting and laughing loudly. He was watching a football game on TV. I couldn"t go on studying and became impatient. I covered my ears, trying to keep the noises out, but failed. So I had to go my neighbor.
  I knocked at his door and said," Good evening, Mr. Yang! Could you please turn down your TV a bit? I am doing my homework."
  “Oh, I"m really sorry to have disturbed you. We"ll do as you say.” My neighbor said politely.
  “Thank you very much..” I said and went back to continue my study.



江西省高考英语作文部分评分标准:1.字数不够扣二分 2.书写较差至以至于影响交际会将分数降低一个层次 (扣2~5分) 3.应用语法结构和词汇能满足任务要求16~20分


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)学校网站新开设了一个“英语写作”栏目(column),以便学生发表(post)英语作文,进行交流,提高写作能力。现请你为该栏目写一个英文介绍,内容包括:● 开设目的● 栏目优势:教师在线(online)指导等● 作文要求:内容贴近学生生活● 优秀作文的鼓励办法● 邀请大家参与注意:1. 词数100左右2. 开并没有语已为你写好(不计入总词数)3. 请在答题卡上作答。Welcome to the column “English Writing”!

what we want is to build up our level of English study,we can also improve our ways of learning.
the column “English Writing”is a organization which can help our students sdudy English in a better way,we have many teachers who can help you online in order to answer your questions whenever you need,it is very good for you to make much progress in studying English.
now,we hope that you can give your posts to us ,what we need are those posts which are close to our daily life ,what"s more we will choose some excelent posts to publish on the column “English Writing”,we not noly give you some remuneration but alos some our teachers" opinions of your posts,that will help you improve your writing level.
welcome to give your posts to us ,let"s make progress together.



Dear Mr Smith,
I’m terribly sorry to tell you that I can’t join in the outing that you organize for on Sunday morning.I broke my foot yesterday afternoon when I was playing basketball with my friends I have to stay in bed for several days till it recovers.It is a great pity for me to miss such a good chance to spend time with you.I would be very happy if you could give me your kind understanding.And I hope you can have a good time.

Dear Mr Smith,
I’m terribly sorry to tell you that I can’t join in the outing that you will organize(一般将来时) on Sunday morning.I broke my foot yesterday afternoon,when I was playing basketball with my friends.I will have to stay in bed for several days till it recovers.(将来完成时),It is a great pity for me to miss such a good chance to spend time with you. I (最好不用would,虚拟语气表示不真实的,如果你这里用虚拟语气,别人觉得你很假)will be very happy if you could give me your kind understanding. And I hope you will have a good(最好用happy吧,) time.
句子结尾用 your sincerely
li hua(随便写的名字)


高考英语作文评分 看这篇作文能得多少分 满分25分 请指出语法错误
Ah Fu and my sister
Ah Fu is a dog .As for it"s a dog . We all proud of it .
One day ,the whole family went to work on the field .Take my sister and Ah Fu alone . The parents were working when my sister playing by the river with Ah Fu .When she was just about to pick a flower .She fell into the river .Ah Fu saw these .It was barking then jumped into the river . My parents heard Ah Fu"s bark .Run into the river at once .By this time .Ah Fu was swimming to my sister and taking her to the bank .My parents was so pleased and praised Ah Fu warmly .
Because of this . We all proud of Ah Fu.

“ Despite the discouragement, I tried to get mother"s supportness” change to "Despite her disapproval, I tried to get her support."
"as the college entrance exam draws nearer and nearer." change to "draws near"
"my eagerness to join in them grows stronger and stronger" personally speaking, I would use the word “my interest in these clubs grows stronger and stronger"
"showed her understanding to me" change to ”showed understanding“
还有,用Mum好像更好啊,难道您整天管妈妈叫 "母亲”么?



对于作文,我说的最多的就是:不走寻常路!你不要以为在网上下载那些所谓的优秀作文,拿来背背,你就成为高手了,其实大错特错!因为我看了之后也觉得一般,甚至有些拙劣,哗众取宠的味道,比如有的所谓优秀作文竟然还用什么be good at ,importance,very much,depend on,in my opinion ,completely 这样低等的写作词汇,说它低等,那是因为这些词汇已经广为人知,阅卷老师已经看的麻木不仁了!
首先是语法,在你的语法达到一定层次之后,你就可以追求更多的变化了,比如,用虚拟语气句型it is high time that we……代替常用的it is necessary that we should……,又如用倒装句代替常见的平铺直叙等,这样可以增加你的语法亮点,让已经有些麻木一直想睡觉的阅卷老师眼睛一亮,在你的试卷上多扫射一番!
其次,是词汇,我觉得,在你的语法达到基本不会出错的程度上,作文便应该以词汇取胜,因为在这个层次上,大家的语法都差不多,没什么变化,唯一有变化的就是你的词汇!给你打个比方吧,很多想到“许多”就用many,但是你别忘了many a ;handsome;massive,innumerable,a multitude of ;很多人想到“专家”就写expert,但很少人会想到specialist,很多人在想到“擅长”这词,就写be good at ,却不知还有更高级的表达法:be expert at 或者excel in …高手和庸才,就体现在这些细微的差别上!
1.The regular physical exercise contributes to our health 改成The regular physical exercise contributes tremendously to our health!
2.In my opinion,the driver’s carelessness should be responsible for this road accident改成
3For my part,the driver‘s negligence should be dominantly responsible for this unexpectedly horrible accident
4The majority of students believe that the part-time job will provide them with more oppportunities to develop their interpersonal skills改成The majority of students firmly believe that the part-time job will undoubtedly provide them with golden opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills tremendously!


题目:feel homesick(以下为我写的) 不算概括20分满分 请评分
Words fail to convey my gratitude to my family.My family is the harbour of my soul and the oasis of my heart,who safeguarded me whenever something bad happened and emboldened me when I was discouraged.It was my family members who lightened my heart and lent their hands to me when I was drowned in setbacks .
Memory has never faded out in my mind.Time flashed back to the day when I felt homesick at school last month.I was haunted by the difficulty from my study and life,so I refused to eat food and started to miss my home .Hence,I telephoned to my family.With my family members encouraging me,I summoned up my confidence and positively confronted my pressure.
From my angle,my family serves to be the beacon and catalyst to dissolve my icy heart,who has me soar and embrace the glorious tomorrow.



推荐访问:五年高考英语满分作文 2014安徽高考满分作文