
来源:阅读答案 时间:2017-02-16 16:05:34 阅读:





第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共90分)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)


1.How does the man advise the woman to get to the hotel?

A.By taxi. B.By bus. C.By underground.

2.How much does one ticket cost?

A.$4.3 B.$5.0. C.$0.7

3.What is the woman unsatisfied with?

A.The special effects

C.The acting

4.Where are the speakers?

A.At a hotel B.At a store C.At a clinic B.The plot

5.What does the woman plan to do?

A.Draw some pictures.

C.Make an advertisement


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 B.Buy something on sale


6.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Fix her computer

B.Buy her a printer

C.Have lunch together

7.When does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the evening


B.IN the afternoon

C.In the morning


8.What will the man do on his birthday?

A.Go to see a film

B.Wok on his term’s work

C.Go out for a meal.

9.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Brother and sister

B.Teacher and student



10.What’s the good news?

A.A yoga class started.

B.A new gym opened.

C.A new café opened.

11.When will the speakers go to the gym?

A.On Friday B.On Sunday

12.What do the speakers decide to do firat?

A.Go to the gym.

B.Meet for lunch

C.Make an exercise plan


13.What are the speakers discussing?

A.Their close friends

B.A television programme.

C.The preparation for a test.

14.Why is the man watching TV?

A.He is taking a break from studying

B.He has already finished studying

C.On Saturday 2

C.He wants to get information for a paper 15.Who did the best in the last test?

A.Kevin B.Elizabeth C.. The woman speaker

16.Why does the man stop the woman calling Elizabeth?

A.He doesn’t think she is helpful.

B.He prefers to study on his own

C.He doesn’t want to trouble her


17.What did Sally do for her pen-friend?

A. She offered her some advice.

B. She taught her how to write.

C. She helped her to keep a diary.

18.Why did Sally’ dad ask her not to send her book to a publisher?

A.There were too many books of this kind.

B. Their response might let her down.

C.He thought the book too simple.

19. How did Sally contact the publisher?

A.She sent an email.

B.She made a call.

C.She paid a visit.

20 .How did Sally’s mum feel after answering the company’s phone?

A.Fairly anxious

B.Extremely surprised.

C.Very excited.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



The following safety risks may result in serious injury or death to the user of

the MINI Cooper S:

● This product contains small parts that are for adult assembly (组装)

only.Keep small children away when assembling.Remove all protective materials

before assembly.Be sure to remove all packaging materials and parts from

underneath the car body.

●Battery posts contain lead known to the state of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Never open the battery.

● Body parts such as hands, legs, hair and clothing can get caught in moving parts. Never place a body part near a moving part or wear loose clothing while using the vehicle. Always wear shoes when using the vehicle.

● Using the vehicle near streets, motor vehicles, drop-offs such as steps, water (swimming pools) or other bodies of water, hills, wet areas, in alleys, at night or in the dark could result in an unexpected accident. Instead, use the vehicle on the highway. Always use the vehicle in a safe, secure environment.

●Using the vehicle in unsafe conditions such as snow, rain, loose dirt, mud, or sand may result in unexpected action, for example tip over.

● Using the vehicle in an unsafe manner. Examples include but are not limited to:

· Pulling the vehicle with another vehicle or similar device

· Allowing more than two riders

· Pushing the user from the back

· Traveling at an unsafe speed

● Always use common sense and safe practices when using the vehicle.

● Store the vehicle indoors or cover it to protect it from weather. Water will damage the motor, electric system, and battery.

21.When assembling, you should ______.

A.open the battery on the spot

B.ignore the packaging materials

C.keep small children off the spot

D.take away all protective materials

22.According to the text, it is safer to ______.

A.have at least four passengers


B.push the user from behind at the start

C.drive on the highway instead of on hills

D.wear loose clothes while using the vehicle

23.Where can you probably find the text?

A.An official report.

B.A popular magazine.

C.A physics textbook.

D.A product handbook.


A supermarket checkout operator was praised for striking a blow for modern manners and a return to the age of politeness after refusing to serve a shopper who was talking on her mobile phone.

The supermarket manager was forced to apologize to the customer who complained she was told her goods would not be scanned unless she hung up her phone. Jo Clark, 46, said, “I don't know what she was playing at.I couldn’t believe how rude she was.When did she have the right to give me a lecture on checkout manners? I won’t be shopping there again!”

But users of social media sites and Internet forums(论坛) were very angry that store gave in and the public appeared to be supporting the angry checkout worker.“Perhaps this is a turning point for mobile phone users everywhere.When chatting, keep your eyes on people around you.That includes people trying to serve you, other road users and especially people behind you in the stairs,” said a typical post.

“It’s time checkout staff fought back against these people constantly chatting on their phones.They can drive anyone crazy.It’s rude and annoying. I often want to grab someone’s phone and throw it as far as I can, even though I am not a checkout girl, just a passer-by,” said another.

Siobhan Freegard, founder of parenting site said, “While this checkout operator doesn’t have the authority to order customers to switch off their phones, you can see clearly how frustrated and angry she felt. No matter how busy you are, life is nicer when you and those around you have good manners.”

24.According to Jo Clark, the checkout operator_____________.

A.had no knowledge of checkout manners

B.played with a mobile phone while at work

C.deserved praise for her modern manners

D.had no right to forbid her from using her mobile phone



2017届衡水金卷高三一轮复习单元卷 生物答案

单元检测卷(一) 走近细胞和组成细胞的分子 答案 1-5BDAAD 6-10BCBAA 11-15DCDCD 16-20CCDBA 21-24CDDC 25.(9分,每空1分)

(1)T淋巴 HIV没有细胞结构 (2)RNA 逆转录 DNA (3)活细胞增殖


故青霉素对病毒的增殖不能起抑制作用 (5)突变频率高、突变的不定向性 26.(10分,每空1分) (1)乙烯 淀粉分解成还原糖

(3)②碘-碘化钾溶液 斐林试剂 碘-碘化钾溶液

斐林试剂(加入提取液与试剂的量与方法不作要求) ③记录表格:

单元检测卷(三) 细胞的能量供应与利用 答案 1-5BADBA 6-10CADBD 11-15DBCBD 16-20DBACC 21-24ACAD 25.(7分,每空1分)

(1)双缩脲试剂 降低化学反应的活化能

(2)污泥含水量和pH值 (相同样品中)2天内1kg污泥


(3)①没有标明具体的温度及单位 ②温度设置少一列

③缺少对石化酶的记录 26.(8分,每空1分)

(1)是 加600mL5%的葡萄糖培养液 20 (2)营


(3)澄清的石灰水变浑浊的程度 (4)①c ②5 ③d 27.(10分,每空1分)

(1)亲水性 ② (2)不正确

(3)b 此后活种子吸水大量增加,可能与根的出现有关 (4)③ O2的吸收量衡水金卷2017英语答案。


释放二氧化碳脂肪有氧呼吸 28.(8分,每空1分)

(1)不添加Cu2的基质 (2)无水乙醇(有机溶剂)

(3)①⑥⑨ 胞吐 控制物质进出 (4)C a 转运钙离子的载体 27.(8分,除标注外,每空1分)

(1)内质网 细胞膜 (2)胞吞 流动性

(3)定期更换培养液 等量的不含姜黄素的培养液 姜黄

素能够使巨噬细胞膜上的LDL受体数量增加,且姜黄素浓度与LDL受体数量呈正相关(2分) 28.(7分,每空1分)

(1)选择透过 主动运输 (2)空间结构

(3)顺 离子浓度差(或离子流动方向) (4)分隔 2 29.(7分,除标注外,每空1分)






(4)①溶液中磷酸盐的浓度 ②细胞主动运输(吸收磷酸盐)

需要能量(或能量供应不足,影响主动运输) ③幼嫩组织供能少(或幼嫩组织细胞膜上载体蛋白少)(2分)


(1)协助扩散 纤维素 (2)核苷酸 P (3)基因的多样性 (4)都以碳链作为基本骨架 28.(9分,每空1分)

(1)胰腺 羧基(-COOH) (2)主动运输 协助扩散

(3)空间结构 信息交流(细胞通讯、细胞识别) (4)蛋白质 (5)一种或一类底物 (6)RNA聚合酶 29.(8分,每空1分) (1)N、P N


同 组成A(DNA)的a(脱氧核苷酸)排列顺序不同 (3)脱水缩合 (e-rm)/(r-18) (4)基因(或DNA) 甲基绿

单元检测卷(二) 细胞的基本结构和物质运输功能 答案 1-5CDDBB 6-10CBABB

11-15DBBBC 16-20CBBBA 21-24DABB 25.(11分,除标注外,每空1分)

(1)磷脂双分子层 含有的蛋白质种类和数量不同 (2)葡萄糖、水和丙酮酸 温和条件下逐步释放 (3)原有的生理活动

(4)参与水光解和转化成化学能贮存在ATP中(2分) (5)将细胞放到蒸馏水中,使细胞吸水胀破(2分) 胰蛋

白酶处理 (6)扩大膜面积 26.(9分,每空1分)

(1)乙 具有细胞壁、叶绿体和大液泡 (2)溶酶体


(3)①酶升高 叶绿素b叶绿素a ②气孔导度 胞间

CO2浓度略有上升(合理即可) 29.(9分,除标注外,每空1分) (1)光照强度、温度 红光和蓝紫光 (2)先减少后增加 1.8




(4)铜代叶绿素比叶绿素(化学性质)更稳定 (5)Ttgx-15对细胞内的转录(和翻译)过程(或答“基因


单元检测卷(四) 细胞的生命历程(含必修2的减数分裂和

受精作用) 答案

1-5CABDA 6-10ACCDD 11-15DCBBA 16-20CDCCA 21-24BDCB 25.(8分,每空1分)

(1)S 15 (2)提前 (3)变短

(4)中心体核仁、核膜染色体 (5)0.75(或0.748)h 26.(10分,除标注外,每空1分) (1)DNA复制和转录基因

(2)细胞质基质 乙 ①丙组的凋亡率低于乙组(合理即可)

(2分) ②丙组和乙组凋亡率相近(合理即可)(2分)


细胞的凋亡)(2分) 27.(11分,除标注外,每空2分)

(2)①7(1分) ②各培养瓶的吸光度值 3 (3)随着PC浓度的增加和作用时间的延长,抑制效果增强 (4)①抑制DNA的复制(抑制DNA复制相关酶的合成)

②研究PC对体内的胆管癌细胞的抑制作用(或研究PC对人体正常细胞的毒害作用。只要写出一个方面即给分。其他合理答案也可) 28.(7分,每空1分)

(1)有丝分裂 无性繁殖 (2)AaBb BC (3)卵细胞或第二极体 3 (4)有丝分裂后期、减数第二次分裂后期 29.(6分,每空1分)

(1)减数第二次分裂后期 (第一)极体 2 (2)D (3)A (4)Abd

单元检测卷(五) 遗传的基本定律

1-5DBDBC 6-10CBBDD 11-15CCBDC 16-20DDCCD 21-24DBCD 25.(9分,除标注外,每空2分) (1)AaBB、Aabb、AABb、aaBb (2)抗寒晚熟 F2(或子二)


常配子相互结合产生正常的F2代;不正常配子相互结合、正常配子与不正常配子结合产生不正常的F2代(3分) 26.(9分,除标注外,每空1分)

